Privacy Policy

Core Dietetics is committed to providing quality care using evidenced based research. This privacy policy of Isabella Boccalatte trading as Core Dietetics (ABN: 99 488 226 657) is to outline the ongoing obligations to meet the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). As accredited practising dietitians and nutritionists at Core Dietetics, we are bound by law to meet the Australian Privacy Principles set out by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This governs the way Core Dietetics collects, stores, uses, discloses, secures and disposes your personal and sensitive information. A summary of the Australian Privacy Principles can be found on The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at:

Personal Information
Personal information is any information/opinions that can identify you as the individual. Examples of personal information collected by Core Dietetics include:

  • name, phone number, address, date of birth, emails.

  • your emergency contact’s name and number.

  • transaction data to pay for appointments.

  • marketing such as referral pathways, how and where you use our resources (electronic, social media, website)

  • requests on how you wish to receive communications from us (such as appointment reminders).

Core Dietetics may collect this information over the phone, via email, on the website, social media platforms, when completing the new patient form (in person or online). Core Dietetics may collect this information from potential patients, website visitors, email subscribers, social media fans, employment applicants and/or service providers. When your personal information is being collected, you have the right to ask why this information is being collected and Core Dietetics will express why and how we plan to use the information. Core Dietetics collects personal information to be able to provide you with the best quality care.

Sensitive Information
Sensitive information, as defined by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) is information about your health status and opinions such as racial/ethnic/political/religious/philosophical beliefs, membership of trade union or other professional body and criminal records. Examples of sensitive information collected at Core Dietetics include:

  • health information (medical history, medications, allergies and intolerances, social history, family history, risk factors, relationship with food and body)

  • details of referrers or other members in your care (such as your general practitioner, specialist and/or allied health team) including name, phone, fax, email and address.

  • copies of reports (including but not limited to blood tests, medical imaging, gastrointestinal biopsies, endoscopy and colonoscopy reports referral letters).

  • healthcare identifiers, medicare number, private health fund name and member number (if applicable), DVA number and type (if applicable), concession card (if applicable).

Sensitive information is usually collected during an appointment with the dietitian at Core Dietetics or potential patients who have requested Core Dietetics services. However it may also occur when an individual makes an enquiry with Core Dietetics and the sensitive information is disclosed to determine the reason for the appointment with the accredited practising dietitian. When your sensitive information is being collected, you have the right to ask why this information is being collected and Core Dietetics will express why and how we plan to use the information. Core Dietetics collects sensitive information to be able to provide you with the best quality care.

Third parties & disclosure of personal information
Core Dietetics limits the personal and sensitive information shared by third parties. The circumstances where this is the case include when Core Dietetics receives a referral from your health care provider (including but not limited to a handover letter, blood tests and/or referrals) and/or when the patient has authorised Core Dietetics to collect information on your behalf (including but not limited to blood tests, referrals and/or reports). Your personal information will be disclosed to third parties (such as your referring practitioner) for continuation of care when you consent or when required by law.

Security of personal and sensitive information
Your information is stored electronically using the practice management software Cliniko. It may also be stored on the backend of the Core Dietetics social media (Instagram) and the backend of the Core Dietetics website. Core Dietetics is committed to keeping your personal and sensitive information safe, secure and protected from misuse, unauthorised access, modification, disclosure and loss. The following precautions to protect your personal and sensitive information are employed by Core Dietetics:

  • the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is embedded within the Core Dietetics website, operated by Squarespace.

  • limiting access to personal and sensitive information to a “need to know” basis.

  • the backend of social media platforms, website and practice management software are password protected.

  • Core Dietetics devices used (e.g. laptops) are password protected and left in secure locations.

  • All personal and sensitive information conversations are completed with care by our professional administrators and/or accredited practising dietitians and nutritionists where unauthorised persons are unable to hear.

  • If Core Dietetics no longer requires your personal or sensitive information, Core Dietetics will take reasonable action to delete and/or de-identify your information.

Core dietetics collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information to allow the accredited practising dietitians and nutritionists to provide you with the best care and for the following purposes:

  • as required by law.

  • stored for 7 years post your last contact with Core Dietetics.

  • statistical analysis.

  • to market to you.

  • to conduct research, quality assurance, improvements, accreditation, audits, staff education and training.

  • patient satisfaction surveys.

  • to communicate to other health care providers in your multi-disciplinary team.

  • to ensure accurate and safe care.

  • to deliver physical and electronic resources.

  • for booking appointments and providing you with nutrition and dietetic services.

  • to contact and communicate with clients.

Core Dietetics collects, holds, uses and discloses sensitive information when it is necessary for Core Dietetics to provide you with the best care and not for any unrelated purposes like research or marketing, unless consent has been gained.

Accessibility of personal information
You may wish to access your personal information Core Dietetics has collected subject to certain exceptions as declared by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). In order to protect your information, Core Dietetics may ask identification questions to before releasing or updating any information. Core Dietetics may refuse to provide you with the information held under certain circumstances as declared by the Act. Core Dietetics might charge a fee if your request requires significant administration effort or expense on Core Dietetics’ part.

Maintaining the quality of personal information
You may inform Core Dietetics to update and correct your personal information if the information held is out of date, incorrect or misleading and Core Dietetics will endeavour to update efficiently and as quickly as possible unless it is unlawful to do so. If you wish for Core Dietetics to delete your personal information, please contact Core Dietetics via email: If Core Dietetics agrees to deletion, due to backups and records of deletions, it may be impossible for Core Dietetics to delete all information.

Policy updates
If Core Dietetics Privacy Policy changes, it will be shared to the website for your knowledge. If you do not agree and/or you have questions and/or concerns with Core Dietetics’ privacy policy, Core Dietetics kindly ask for you to email and Core Dietetics will endeavour to resolve the dispute safely, quickly and efficiently.